Supervisor Training/ Mentorship
Utilize our expertise to train your claims leader!
Praxis’ supervisor training/mentorship program will assist in the development of skills and resources to help ease the transition of newly appointed claims supervisors. This three to six month training builds competencies in the following areas:
Supervisory Review Structure- Implementation of a review process that delineates the types and severity of claims that require periodic assessment by the claims supervisor.
Documentation of Supervisory Activities- Outlines the methodology of providing case specific directions to claims staff for claims handling recommendations, reserves, and settlement authority.
Supervisory Diary- Praxis will assist in structuring a diary process that enables the supervisor to appropriately assess claim handler activities.
Resources for Proactive Supervision- The use of standardized/automated reports is a timesaving tool for the claims supervisor. Praxis will evaluate the availability of resources regarding claim assignments, reserve evaluation, off/overdue diaries, suit tracking and litigation management, reports to excess ,etc.
Staff Development- Claims supervision should serve the purpose of not only ensuring proper claims handling and adherence to organizational procedures, but also as a tool in the professional development of claims personnel.